
See also the general Schedule.

Program for August 22, 2015

Time Track A
Room 114
Track B
Room 112
Track C
Room 106

How to be a Servant to the Poor

Is it a Thing? Scientific Knowledge as Ectypal Theology

Value and Purpose: Teaching Youth Around the World to Use Technology


The problem of evil: a contract theory approach

Order-of-Nature Miracles & Specific-Point Miracles

Maximize Physical & Spiritual Potential


How to Love Your Neighbor in the Public Square

A Theology of Computer Programming Languages

Walking Boldly in Our Identities as Sons and Daughters


Charis Before Christ: a Discussion of Grace in Ancient Greek Literature

Drawn Toward God Through Music and Chemistry

How can technology help us encounter God?


Integrating Work with Purpose: Keys to Personal & Professional Fulfillment

How Science and Engineering Strengthen Faith

Loving our neighbors and the least of these online


Octalysis: The Dark and Light sides of What Motivates Us

Molecular Man: Biological Determinism and Identity

How Sci-Fi and Fantasy can save Christianity?


Failure and Faith in Academia: How I lost tenure and found a new vocational calling

From fossil fuels to renewable energy — who delivers prosperity and salvation to our planet?


The “Right Work” Is The Wrong Question

Going Wireless: The Graduate School Walk of Faith

About Passion Talks

Passion Talks are short talks by Christian grad students, academics and professionals considering how their faith intersects with and impacts their work. Read more…

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